3 Composition and Properties of SAPO-34
3 SAPO-34沸石的组成和性能
铝含量 Aluminium Content |
36-43 |
磷含量Phosphorus Content |
45-51 |
硅含量 Silicon Conten |
9-12 |
晶粒尺寸(Crystal Size, um) |
1-2 |
比表面SA (BET, m2/g, Fresh ) |
>600 |
孔容Pore Volume (ml/g) |
>0.24 |
结晶度Crystallinity (%) |
≥90 |
钠含量Na2O (wt%) |
<0.05 |
烧失率LOI at 1000 ℃ 1 h (wt%) |
<5 |
由于SAPO-34沸石具有小孔结构, 中等的酸性, 较高的热稳定性和水热稳定性, 因而它在MTO反应以及尾气净化领域具有广泛的应用。其中MTO 用SAPO-34 是与陕西煤化工技术工程中心及陕煤化工研究院进行合作而完成了。催化剂的双烯收率大于86%,乙丙比大于1.3,且催化剂具有较高的甲醇处理量。NOx 脱除用SAPO-34 已批量供应庄信万丰公司。
SAPO-34, a silicoaluminophosphate molecular sieve with CHA structure, has exhibited excellent catalytic performance in methanol-to-olefin (MTO) reaction due to the contribution of small pore, medium acidity and good thermal/hydrothermal stability. Furthermore, SAPO-34 can be used in exhaust gas purification system. SAPO-34 used in MTO was developed with the cooperation with SHANXIN Coal and Chemical Institute Co.Ltd and SHANXIN Coal and Chemical Center Co.Ltd. The SAPO-34 used in NOx treatment was provided to Johnson matthey in large scale. |